
We took a long look at the outside of our classroom pumpkin and came up with a list of words to describe it. We measured the height and circumference and talked about the measuring tools we would need to get an accurate answer. We recorded the data on the chart.
Then the preschoolers really had fun carving it 
and scooping the seeds!

With the next pumpkin we did an experiment with our water table. First we made and recorded our predictions. Not only did we learn about the buoyancy of the pumpkin, we also learned just how much water and weight the table can hold before the plug gives out! YIKES

 Here is what the children said about their predictions:

"The pumpkin will sink because I sink in the pool"
"It will float because when I have a life jacket I float"
"It will float because its small"

I fixed the plug and found new ways to use the water table and the pumpkin guts, creating "pumpkin oobleck" by mixing it with cornstarch and pumpkin pie spice. The preschoolers also enjoyed playing with pumpkin playdoh made with canned pumpkin.

The children measured, weighed, and compared heights of smaller pumpkins. They got lots of fine motor practice hammering golf tees into the pumpkins.