Lines and Kandinsky

Pre-k Circles

Kandinsky's Circles

Learning about artists opens children up to thinking about how others live. They learned about Kandinsky's life as a young boy while reading the story "The Noisy Paintbox".  We talked about how much he had to practice in order to become so good at his work.
While painting their own versions of Kandinky's circles the preschoolers gained fine motor practice. They used the small muscles in their hands while experiencing a full turn of the wrist to get those circles just right! 
This is a very tricky skill needed for writing!

While looking at Kandinsky's work the preschoolers engaged in many conversations about lines. They noticed straight, bumpy, zig-zag, and spiral lines within his work. Using their own knowledge of lines they used black markers and water colors to create their own version of Composition 6.

Kandinsky's Composition 6

Pre-k Composition 6

Lines extended throughout our classroom as we used many more activities to create familiar lines. Recognizing, naming, and creating lines is a great way to become familiar with the lines and shapes of letters. 

Creating a straight line with bodies