Painting Still Life

Painting still life provides preschoolers with many valuable skills they will need for later learning. They first must look at the objects. We discuss things for them to take notice of, like the colors and shapes of the objects. We talk about what kinds of lines make up these items. This helps preschoolers develop observational skills. 
During these painting activities the children are using descriptive language and conversational skills as they talk about the objects they see.

The skills gained from painting still life are being transferred into other learning areas. This is a true testament to this activity and proves its worth in our preschool classroom.

The snakes were measured with circle blocks. 

The children created a drawing of their observations. They are taking the skills gained from painting still life and applying them to math, science, and engineering activities throughout the classroom. Introduced in a fun, creative way the children are gaining an understanding of the value in recording what they see.