
Our lines study began by looking at different kinds of lines.
I introduced lines in a fun, creative way using paint. This gave them the opportunity to practice creating their own
dashed lines
straight lines
zig-zag lines
bumpy lines
bridge lines

The children used their bodies to create lines

Zig Zags 

Stretching out to make an X 

Stretching their our line all the way across the room

Lines to create faces

Lines with loose parts

Lines became part of their play

Becoming familiar with lines the preschoolers can now recognize and create simple lines that make up letters and numbers. 

Literacy at its Finest

Literacy learning in preschool means introducing the children to books, text, and language in ways that get them excited and eager for more. Anytime a child creates something of their own I get very happy that they are seeing the value and excitement in books, reading, and writing. 

These two creations are some of the reasons I love to teach preschool. 

One of those reasons are smiling P's. 

Another is this:

"I made some underwear"

This child has learned that paper and writing tools can be used to make anything. Nothing is off limits and whatever can be thought of can be created. What a powerful realization for such a young thinker!!

Fine Motor Skills

Fine Motor Skills use the small muscles in the hands, fingers and wrist. For preschoolers, developing these muscles and gaining strength are the important first steps in learning how to write. In our classroom we practice our fine motor skills in many different ways!

Collaging is a fun and creative way to practice skills and create at the same time.